21st Century Skills for 21st Century Learners
· http://pwoessner.com/2008/12/15/21st-century-literacy-network-literacy/
· How does research fit into 21st Century Skills?
· Research with young students need to be hands-on, teacher directed, and short-term
· Observational cards to start research to get kids thinking
· Then start note-taking . . . teacher provides outline . . .kids can’t write words, they can only draw pictures . . . to get kids used to gathering the information and not being able to write anything down to avoid plagiarism . . . object is to gather info without copying the words out of the bool (putting the info in their own way)
· Develop a set of questions that they can answer in their own words
· ABC questions to encourage students to read between the lines to keep them reading until they find the answers
· When they are used to gathering information and putting things in their own words, they need to put together the information in an easy-to-use format (IIM . . . Independent Investigations Method . . . book is a gold mine for taking students through the research process)
· Independent Investigation Method . . . steps to follow for success in a research project (IIM Website)
o Topic
o Goal setting
o Research
o Organizing
o Good evaluation
o Product
o presentation
· the first part of the book tells you about how to do this but the second part is stuff for you to use with students(completed examples provided) and the third section is for middle and high school students . . . then assessment . . . very teacher-friendly book
· Start off by brainstorming all you know about a topic
· Then you set goals (Setting Research Goals Page) . . . and ask questions that you want them to find out (teacher questions and student questions to set a purpose for reading) . . . if they find information that doesn’t answer one of these questions, they don’t write it down! If they see it over and over again, they may need to go back and write a new questions . . . good way to focus research and exploration
· If students have problems formulating questions to ask, IIM developed Questions Cubes
· Provides instructions for writing Notefacts (to limit and require bibliography info) . . . sheet to copy to give to students
· There is also a sheet that shows how to do the Bibliography Info . . . provides generic way of doing and an example
· And Notefacts template sheet has a place for the bibliography at the top and then places to write really short notes (not complete sentences) . . . has to fit between lines so it can be cut later (getting rid of plagiarism opportunities) . . . example of this sheet in handout
· Important to have one main idea in each notefact
· Teaching the skill of taking short notes in their own words
· Put source number in magnifying glass on notefacts sheet
· Use a different page for information from each source
· Sheets work really well to use with overhead or interactive board
· Check back to see if met goals established at the beginning
· Steps to Organizing sheet . . . Then we go to organizing . . . go back to goal setting and bubble map to choose major categories . . . then assign a color to each category . . . then go back to notefacts sheet and color the magnifying glasses according to which category it belongs
· After notefacts are categorized, cut apart and put all the colors together (already have bibliographic info) . . . after they are all sorted by color, take one set of a color and arrange the slips into an order that makes sense and then glue it on a sheet in that order . . . so it is in order before it ever gets glued down
· Then if you want them to do a paper, have student figure out what order the categories should go in and then write the paragraph or page that is needed . . . since notes are not written in complete sentences, students will have to use their own words to connect these ideas
· Then go back and refer to the goal sheet to see how they did . . . evaluating research goal template to reflect on learning and product created (self-evaluation and self-assessment)
· Once you have the information and it is organized, then choose a product to create (template) . . . ex. trading card idea (2 rectangles in Word . . one for picture and one for information, then cut out, glue together and laminate)
· Oral Presentations .notetaking chart for the audience to get them involved
· CD comes with book
· www.iimresearch.com/products